
American and British storms are ‚holding hands‘ over Atlantic: Systems that wreaked havoc on two continents are COMBINING Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  • Incredible satellite imagery shows the monster storms swirling ‚arm-in-arm‘ across the Atlantic
  • The Stateside storm, the latest of many this bitter winter, brought with it heavy snow, sleet and icy conditions that saw thousands of flights cancelled and left 21 people dead, mostly from car crashes
  • Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, Friday’s storm caused heavy rain and winds up to 80 mph in Britain’s southern counties, aggravating areas already flooded following the wettest January since records began in 1776

Devastating storms that have dumped as much as 40 inches of snow on parts of the United States and caused widespread flooding in the UK are combining over the Atlantic, weather experts have revealed.

Incredible satellite imagery from NASA’s Worldview shows the monster storms swirling ‚arm-in-arm‘ across the ocean.

The storms in the US have left 21 people dead and caused thousands of flights to be cancelled, bringing the east coast to a standstill.

Meanwhile, in Britain, heavy rain and winds up to 80 mph devastated parts of the south, aggravating areas already flooded after the wettest January since records began in 1776.

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Holding hands: A storm that dumped heavy snow and ice across the east coast of the United States this week is the very same weather system that battered southern parts of the UK on Friday, meteorologists have revealed in incredible satellite imagery


Holding hands: A storm that dumped heavy snow and ice across the east coast of the United States this week is the very same weather system that battered southern parts of the UK on Friday, meteorologists have revealed in incredible satellite imagery

Floods have drenched the low-lying Somerset Levels in the south west and the Thames Valley west of London, where hundreds of properties have been swamped after the River Thames burst its banks.

The situation is also set to get worse as torrential downpours forecast for this weekend could see rivers reaching dangerously high levels.

The Thames Barrier, a structure made of 10 steel gates each weighing 3,300 tonnes that shields central London from tidal flooding, prevented widespread damage in the capital after the downpour.

This winter’s rains saw the Thames record some of its highest levels for 60 years.

Water up to here: A resident pulls a boat towards his house in a flooded street on Friday near Staines-Upon-Thames, England. Flood water has remained high in some areas and high winds are causing disruption to other parts of the UK with the Met Office issuing a red weather warning


Water up to here: A resident pulls a boat towards his house in a flooded street on Friday near Staines-Upon-Thames, England. Flood water has remained high in some areas and high winds are causing disruption to other parts of the UK with the Met Office issuing a red weather warning

Deep snow: Motorists find themselves stranded in deep snow as blizzards trap their cars along a Pennines road overnight Thursday. A number of cars became stuck during heavy snow and gale force winds on a road between Cumbria and County Durham, England, and had to be rescued by a farmer


Deep snow: Motorists find themselves stranded in deep snow as blizzards trap their cars along a Pennines road overnight Thursday. A number of cars became stuck during heavy snow and gale force winds on a road between Cumbria and County Durham, England, and had to be rescued by a farmer

Darkness at noon: The M27 passing Portsmouth was clothed in a near-black fog today


Darkness at noon: The M27 passing Portsmouth was clothed in a near-black fog today

Destruction: A tree which was uprooted in Chorlton, a suburb of Manchester, by high winds and storms


Destruction: A tree which was uprooted in Chorlton, a suburb of Manchester, by high winds and storms

Wild waves: Wind, rain and waves batter the Cornish village of Kingsand in England on Friday as the environment agency warns hundreds more homes will be flooded this weekend


Wild waves: Wind, rain and waves batter the Cornish village of Kingsand in England on Friday as the environment agency warns hundreds more homes will be flooded this weekend

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Global Weather Network is not what you think: Chemtrails are a war hiding in plain sight.



Download your very own OWNING THE WEATHER BY 2025  It’s Free!


What are Chemtrail Applications, are they legal and did We the People ever consent to this? Now keep in mind that the word PROOF is constantly used in our modern age, and half of what we read, if not more is a lie.  So either our research , (which can be backed up and verified), is not enough for the common man -or- the common man is simply not paying attention.  We will do this series in parts, so the first part is Chemtrails 101, teaching anyone about weather modification as well as when and how the military invented it. Please view the video for additional help.

*Note about the video: This video took many hours and repeatedly would not allow me to edit it. This video is simple enough, and should not have taken the 15 hours to edit in a simple program. Forgive me for the 2 typos that are in the video, as well any space in the video that was never in the original and never intended to be there in the first place.

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UFO Videos 1-2014 – DIE KOSMISCHE URKRAFT [re-Blog]

UFO Over Brazil Dropping spheres- OVNI en Brazil soltando esferas Edit 24/01/2014


Spectacular UFO Mothership, Scout UFO Ship spied by Police Chopper, Jan 2014

Strange Events 2014 – Ufo Orb Sightings Are Increasing

UFO Videos 1-2014.

Immer mehr Medien in den USA berichten wahrheitsgemäß über Chemtrails

Italien, Frankreich und Spanien: Proteste explodieren (Videos)



Tränengaseinsätze, Schlagstöcke und politische Lügen auf der einen sowie wütende, aktive Bürger auf der anderen Seite. Seit nunmehr 8 Tagen in Folge protestieren erzürnte italienische Bürger gegen ihre Regierung, akzeptieren mitnichten das EU-Spardiktat. Sie wollen dem herrschenden Lobbyismus endlich seine Grenzen aufzeigen. Ergo befindet sich Italien im Ausnahmezustand, ähnlich wie Frankreich oder Spanien; die Revolution hat begonnen, Straßenkämpfe prägen Europa.


Generell streben Bürger aller drei Nationen nach einem sorgenfreien Leben; Wirtschaft soll den Menschen dienen, Arbeit zum Wohlergehen beitragen, fernab erzeugter Armut. Zweifelsohne nahezu unmöglich inmitten des lobbyistischen Europas. „Landespolitiker empfangen Befehle aus Brüssel, lassen Menschen wie Sklaven arbeiten, damit ihr eigener Reichtum kontinuierlich wächst – genau dagegen demonstrieren wir.“ Was ein franzö-sischer Student geäußert, entstand keineswegs aus Frust, sondern viel eher aufgrund nüchterner katastrophaler, europaweiter politischer Zustände.

Widerstand gegen Regierungen wächst

Neben Handwerkern, Bauern, Arbeitslosen demonstrieren ebenso weitere soziale Schichten. Ganz gleich ob Hausfrau oder Student, sie kämpfen für bessere Zeiten, möchten gehört werden samt ihrer Ideen, Visionen. „Alternativen existieren reihenweise. Nun ist es an der Zeit, daß Völker Politik machen, ohne Politikerclowns.“ Ja, die verbalen Töne auf Europas Straßen sind berechtigterweise scharf geworden, niemand glaubt mehr an normale politische Veränderungen.

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==skywatchMARL=✈ HAARP ICH GERN! Wovor HAARPt ihr Angst? Teil 3/3

Ich würde fast Behaupten, dieses Video sollte jedem Troll, jedem tief schlafenden, einfach jeden Menschen das Gefühl verleihen:
„Mh… ist das noch normal ??? „

Viel Vergnügen mit Teil 3/3  vom 14.November 2013

Let’z HAARP !

Das Internet vergisst nicht! – The Internet does not Forget! [U.S. PLANES SPRAYING CHEMICALS]

Wisst ihr, was ich absolut nicht nachvollziehen kann?

Das ich gerade über diesen Artikel gestolpert bin.  kleiner scherz’… das kann selbst Ich soweit nachvollziehen. Ich habe da einen Artikel aus der Vergangenheit gefunden, wenn man es so sagen will, aus dem letzten Jahr des letzen Jahrtausends.  Erschreckenderweise kann man offensichtlich auf den ersten Blick erkennen, welchen Inhalt der Author, bzw. was der Author für einen Antrieb hatte, diesen Artikel zu verfassen.



Er hatte nämlich genau den gleichen Antrieb, den wir heute im Jahr -2013-, ganze 14Jahre später, ebenso verfolgen!

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Weather weapons have existed for over 15 years, testified U.S. Secretary of Defense




by: J. D. Heyes


The development of so-called “weather weapons” has been dismissed by many as paranoid hyperbole, the work of science fiction movie script writers and conspiracy theorists, but the fact is they have existed, at least in the laboratory, for decades.


None other than former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, in fact, has talked about the development of weather-related weaponry – or, more specifically, techniques to create weather events to support offensive military operations. During a question-and-answer session at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the Georgia Center in Athens, Ga., in 1997, Cohen addressed them:


There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.

What about ‘chemtrails?’


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